Hi, I am Krisztina Molnár

About me

I'm passionate about creating seamless user experiences and bridging the gap between technology and people. With a diverse background in the tourism sector and telecommunications, I bring a unique blend of user-focus and an interest in tech to the table. I have a bachelor's degree in Economics and have worked in a design team for two years, where I regularly participated in design workshops, used Figma to create banners for the website and managed tasks through Jira tickets.
I learned how to code using various online sources, including but not limited to SheCodes workshops and freecodecamp projects.

About my work

I work in VS Code and use GitHub for the version control of my projects. I've worked on projects using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I'm familiar with the Bootstrap framework and have used several APIs. I know the basics of making a site responsive, accessible and SEO-friendly, but I recognize that I still have a lot to learn in those areas.

See my projects
photo of Krisztina Molnár frontend developer